Brainster Talent Market

Web redesign

The idea behind Talent Market is to help Brainster’s students get recognized and hired easily based on their hard work. It is a project in the making where students can share their gained knowledge during their studies with their portfolios and resumes.

This page is a personalized URL, which the client sends after the company in question sends them a request for what they expect from a candidate. The clients additionally want to send another URL, once every three to six months with exceptional students called - The Super Talent Market, with all the students who showed the best results during the academy.

With this website, companies can find and contact young people eager to work. This is like a similar version of Fiverr or 99Design where you can find all the skills, projects, resumes, and scores of the students.

The primary user persona for this project would be the HR representatives for their related companies.

The working process and actions taken

We first started with analyzing the existing page, preparing questions for the stakeholder interview, and making assumptions. Then we made a detailed competitive analysis which included pages like 99Design, Fiverr, and Upwork. Afterward, we determined the outdated features and started working on the wireframes. We needed to do one that is clean, easy to use, and lets the user quickly move from one candidate to another.

I was working on the talents page where I presented the candidates on the first page in a card. By clicking on the card you were on the candidate’s page where on your right you could read more about them, and on your left, you could easily see or choose similar candidates.

My takeaway

“Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is a success.”- Henry Ford

I understand that only by collaborating with other teams who share the same goal for the project, can I grow more as a designer. It was clear that we all needed to learn how to speak one shared language.

You can check the whole case study on the following link.